Dental Implants: Restoring Function and Esthetics

If you have missing or severely damaged teeth, dental implants can help restore form and function to your smile. Dr. L. Patrick Grisanti II, in Rockwall, TX, uses the highest grade materials and most advanced techniques when placing implants and creating restorations. His compassion and experience in implantology help him deliver durable restorations that will blend in with your smile and allow you to eat, speak, and laugh with ease.

What are Dental Implants

Dental implants are titanium posts surgically anchored in the jawbone to replace missing tooth roots. After the posts have been allowed to heal and fuse with the jawbone, a crown, bridge, or denture will be firmly attached to the implant to replace the entire structure of the missing tooth and restore function to your bite.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Unlike traditional dentures or bridges that rest on top of the gums, dental implants may have the capacity to strengthen your jawbone. Typically, when we lose a tooth, the bone underneath begins to atrophy because it is no longer receiving stimulation from the pressures associated with chewing and speaking. Dental implants are the only restorative option that can replace this stimulation and actually prevent future bone loss in your jaw.

Additionally, dental implants can provide many other functional and aesthetic benefits, including:

  • Increased self-confidence

  • Natural appearance and function

  • Chewing comfortably and enjoying all your favorite foods

  • Speaking, enunciating, and laughing more clearly

  • Not worrying about forgetting your dentures or having them slip out of place

  • Natural integration with the rest of your teeth

  • Long-term solution using durable materials

  • Improved overall oral health

Contact us to schedule your Dental Implant Consultation Today!